Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight. Proverbs 3:5-6

Welcome to Caroline's blogspot!

We welcome you to follow Caroline's progress and thank you for your continued support and prayers~
Shannon, Doug, Caroline & Tate

Friday, October 9, 2009

Friday am

Caroline started this new treatment yesterday. It's a cough-assist machine which blows/sucks air from her lungs triggering a cough. She's finally able to move some of those secretions and has a much stronger cough this morning. Finally--I was getting a bit concerned she hadn't improved, kind of hit a plateau, but is definitely better today. No d/c plans yet. Still weaning a little every day. Her O2 demand has dropped again and she's tolerating having her cuff deflated on her trach. I'm getting a lot of training by the RT, Gerard, who Caroline loves. They hit it off! Now she's shooting rubber bands to the ceiling and about to get a shampoo. I'm thinking this weekend is going to bring big changes!

Thank you everyone for your calls and cards. Caroline loves them all and read every single on of them. They're taped to her window and wall. She's so appreciative. Thank you again!!

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