Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight. Proverbs 3:5-6

Welcome to Caroline's blogspot!

We welcome you to follow Caroline's progress and thank you for your continued support and prayers~
Shannon, Doug, Caroline & Tate

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Saturday Update III

Caroline hasn't felt so great this afternoon. Still c/o tummy ache. Had to get an enema and catherized to r/o a UTI. Passing some blood. Abd. x-ray just showed a lot of gas-not a lot of stool-still no feedings. Her WBC is elevated today. From a respiratory standpoint she's doing good. Still off O2. We think she'll feel much better once this tummy trouble subsides. SP


jennifer said...

I have been thinking about yall. Caroline looks great in the pictures. I hope things are moving along. Today was Angee's shower. It was alot of fun. She is almost ready to pop. Well, keep us posted. No other news from me.

Tasha said...

Hey Caroline!!! I'm glad to hear things are going well. I'm sorry that your having tummy troubles. Hopefully you can get back to riding your scooter soon!!! Shannon, we miss you at PAMPA. By the way... I'm wearing your "Employee of the Month" shirt while I'm typing this ; )