Hi, all! We're enjoying our summer.... full speed! Camp was awesome! Caroline celebrated her 10th birthday with ten of her closest friends. She ended the 4th grade with A's and B's. Not too shabby considering her 25 days of school missed. We met our Nashville friends for a day at Lake Winnie and spent the weekend with the Smiths. Tate attended a BMX birthday party and decided to ride training wheel free and has been two wheeling ever since! He begs Doug to take him to the lake daily. He's become quite a little fisherman. He's looking forward to the McCoy boys returning from Cooperstown with a Yankee t-shirt and we're Tybee bound tomorrow! Whew, made my head spin writing all that. We've been busy! Do you think they'll be bored in July? No new medical news for Caroline. She's stable right now & being treated for another sinus infection--- and we need to get the PICC placed, but are trying to have as much fun in the sun as we can get before then! She also will need a rib expansion, maybe three. AND braces, oh the $$ that Orthodontist will make. !!!Life's good!!!