Got a call from Neuro today and Caroline's brain MRI is normal! Thank God. We had an appt. with him on Friday and I mentioned Caroline's am headaches and he was concerned about increased intracranial pressure or another brain abnormality. Scared us to death. Now we'll go see the Opthal. to r/o anything eye related and will address this w/ the Pulm. because I'm thinking now maybe it's her CO2 levels due to her O2 requirement at night???? Just a guess. Speaking of O2, Caroline really has benefitted form her last expansion, is off O2 throughout the day and doing remarkably well! It's going to be a good year!
Welcome to Caroline's blogspot!
Shannon, Doug, Caroline & Tate
Friday, August 28, 2009
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Caroline had a great first week back to school. This week she starts Target and Chorus and PREP classes at church. We're trying to get into a routine and so far she's doing great. Homework immediately after school is helping. She has to read for 20 minutes every night and that's going to be her biggest challenge--just getting still long enough to concentrate.
Tate's doing great. He's getting his stitches taken out today and has his meet and greet with his class tomorrow. He has a little separation anxiety right now which will make for an interesting first day at school, but I'll think he'll do great once he gets back into a routine. He really enjoyed school last year. We signed him up for baseball this fall and his first practice is Thursday!
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
First Day of School -- 4th Grade!
Caroline had a great first day back at school and she's really excited about the 4th grade. Her goal this school year is to make straight A's! Go Caroline!!