Thank you everyone for coming out to cheer on our little Grasshopper! Go Tate Dog!! #2~~
Welcome to Caroline's blogspot!
Shannon, Doug, Caroline & Tate
Sunday, April 26, 2009
Thank you everyone for coming out to cheer on our little Grasshopper! Go Tate Dog!! #2~~
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Sunday, April 19, 2009
Happy Sunday everyone!
We couldn't have asked for prettier weather today for Tate's first T-ball game! He won the team ball. Way to hustle little buddy! Go Grasshoppers!
Caroline celebrated Sydney's birthday w/ her last night and had a blast! Happy Birthday, Syd!
The kids have been enjoying playing oustide and fishing! Oops, caught a turtle this morning.
CRCT's this week and a book report due. Game on!
Have a great week~
D,S,C and T
Monday, April 6, 2009
Saturday, April 4, 2009
Today's the 9th annual White/Melton Reunion-Easter Egg Hunt! My kids are pumped!! What a beautiful day. Finally, no rain!
The kids had a blast hunting eggs. Bella found the Golden Egg this year--$15 bucks. Way to go, Bella! They decorated eggs, had an egg relay and spent the day playing baseball, hide-n-seek, and anything else they could think of. The creek was a huge hit again this year. Tate was muddy from head to toe! It was definitely a memorable day. What a wonderful family we have!!
Official kid count for today:16--We missed you, Cayley!--She's rockin' a scholarship she won for her "So You Think You Can Dance" competition!!!!! Go Girl!! Next year we'll welcome little Bennett (Jennifer, that's my name vote) to the family!!
Thursday, April 2, 2009
Caroline's pertussis test was negative! Woohoo! Once less thing to "treat!" She's feeling much, much better and is looking forward to a week off school. Speaking of school, the third graders had a sock hop today. Caroline had a ball! She also had scouts this afternoon and is excited about graduating to a "Junior" Girl Scout next year.
Hope everyone has a safe and fun Spring Break!!
Blog Archive
- Aren't the best weekends spent with friends and fa...
- Gone Fishin'
- Happy Sunday everyone!We couldn't have asked for p...
- Happy Birthday, Daddy! We love you!!Dink and Moose...
- The kids and I are headed to Chattanooga in the mo...
- Today's the 9th annual White/Melton Reunion-Easter...
- Caroline's pertussis test was negative! Woohoo! On...