Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight. Proverbs 3:5-6

Welcome to Caroline's blogspot!

We welcome you to follow Caroline's progress and thank you for your continued support and prayers~
Shannon, Doug, Caroline & Tate

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Weekend Fun

Caroline has spent the past two days with Bella, Leighton and Sophie. Pure joy! Wish it was 10 degrees warmer. They tried to play outside but it was just too cold. They're quite content in the playroom though and there's Bratz stuff eve-ry-where! (My sister would kill me--she's anti-Bratz! Shhhhh!!!) We're all going to Mom's tomorrow. Hope you enjoy your weekend!

P.S. Our friend Brody was discharged after a 5 1/2 week stay at Scottish Rite. Thank for remembering him in your prayers!

Friday, February 13, 2009

Caroline saw her Ortho. yesterday and her spine is holding. He is going to expand two, maybe three rods this summer and may have to move one of the rods on her left side as they are both hooked to the same rib, and run the risk of having the rib break. Caroline has decided to wait until she's 10 to try and straighten her legs. No complaints here. We respect her decision and glad she's getting old enough to help make those decisions. I'm not even going to "go there" with details about that surgery. We'll cross that bridge when we get there.

Caroline's good friend Harry spent the afternoon with her today. They caught a couple of bass at the lake and played some Wii. It was a fun afternoon. Tate practiced his baseball and chased Patrick around with his dart gun!

I'm looking forward to a weekend with my Valentine!

xoxo Happy Valentine's Day xoxo

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Check Four, Check Four

Tate had his 4 yr check up this morning. He grew 3 inches and gained 5 pounds! He passed his hearing and vision test and was a big boy for his shots. 4 shots! Ouch! He chose a Strawberry Dunkin Donut for his treat! He's doing well developmentally. Not due for another visit for a year! WooHoo!

Monday, February 9, 2009

Girl Scout Get-Away

Caroline had an amazing time at the Chattahoochee Nature Center for her troop's camp out. She loved the StarLab, animal encounter and night hike, but roasting marshmellows trumped it all! The CNC was fully accessible and she did remarkably well. We couldn't have asked for better weather. It was a memorable trip indeed! Pics to follow.....

Thank you for praying for our friend, Brody. He's a miracle in the making~ sailing through rehab!!

Monday, February 2, 2009

Happy Birthday TATE!

Caroline does not have any granulation tissue but does have an ear infection. Good thing we went! She never complained- so hopefully we caught it early!

Doug and I took the kids to Chattanooga yesterday and loved it! It was a perfect day! Nobody was at the Aquarium so we really got to see everything! The kids enjoyed holding butterflies and Tate was fascinated watching Scuba Steve feed the fish. We stuffed ourselves at Sticky Fingers-sure wish we had one of those here. Great BBQ.

Tate's party was at Pump It Up Monday night and he was bouncing all over the place in his Spiderman costume, I'm sure! His buddy William was Batman. I'll try to post pics--they weren't still long enough for a picture though. He had a great time and has some super sweet friends.